The on-again off-again relationship between Will Smith and Independence Day 2 appears to have finally come to an end.
There had been a glimmer of hope that Will Smith would reprise his role as Captain Steven Hiller in Independence Day 2, but now it appears as though the star is officially out.
The rumours of his return have been back seesawing for some time, and seemingly director Roland Emmerich and co-writer and producer Dean Devlin were well prepared for Smith deciding not to return as they have two separate versions of the script. One had him in it, one didn't. As it's turned out, it's being reported that Smith has now informed all concerned that he definitely won't be returning.
The film is currently scheduled for a release date on July 1st 2016, which marks the 20th anniversary of the release of the original. And whilst Smith won't be back, both Jeff Goldblum and Bill Pullman are set to reprise their roles from the original.
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