Joss Whedon begins filming of The Avengers 2 in South Africa. Plus: where else is the movie set to shoot?
Whilst plenty of blockbusters once earmarked for the summer of 2015 - Star Wars: Episode VII, Pirates Of The Caribbean 5, Independence Day 2, Batman Vs Superman for instance - have long since scuttled off to other dates, Joss Whedon's Avengers sequel has not budged an inch.
Avengers: Age Of Ultron is set to land in cinemas in May 2015, and we now learn the filming has begun. The production is currently in Johannesburg for two weeks, with location work in Italy and South Korea also planned. The bulk of photography will be done in the UK.
We've also had an unconfirmed report that some pre-production filming was done at Waterloo Station in London, in the old Eurostar terminal there. The suggestion is that if Joss Whedon is happy with the test footage they shot there, the Avengers: Age Of Ultron team will return later in the year.
We suspect a formal, posh start of production press release will land from Marvel soon. In the meantime, the countdown to the return of The Avengers has very much begun...
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Hold on! They're making another Avengers movie? Does DC know about this?
Yes they do know about the new marvel movie
No they were not included in the memo