Want to know who's been cast as the Fantastic Four in director Josh Trank's movie reboot? Step this way...
Now, the way things tend to have gone with regards rumours and stories surrounding the upcoming movie reboot of the Fantastic Four movie series is that a story breaks, and then either director Josh Trank debunks it on Twitter, or director Josh Trank debunks it on Twitter, and then we get a legal letter. We suspect, though, that's not going to be the case here.
For The Hollywood Reporter now reckons that the purported line-up for the new Fantastic Four is in place, and deals are being made between Fox and the new cast to lock them down (presumably to more than one movie).
So who's in? Well, Michael B Jordan has long since been locked down to play Johnny Storm/The Human Torch. Miles Teller has been linked for a while too, and he's taking on the role of Reed Richards/Mr Fantastic.
Kate Mara is now reportedly the choice to play Sue Storm meanwhile, and a name that hadn't really been mentioned much before, Jamie Bell, has landed the role of Ben Grimm/The Thing.
Deals haven't yet been signed, and there is a problem with regards finding a sufficient space in Miles Teller's schedule for one. But all things being equal, it looks like the new Fantastic Four have been found.
The new Fantastic Four film starts shooting in the next few months, ahead of ifs release on June 19th 2015.
***UPDATE: Director Josh Trank has had no issue calling BS on ridiculous casting rumors and Internet gossip over the last few months. Using Twitter as essentially a lie detector test, he has the ability to shoot down nonensense incredibly fast. Thus, it is with some interest that in the past 12 hours, all Trank had to Tweet was the following.
— Josh Trank (@josh_trank) February 20, 2014
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Just curious, but how are they going to portray Johnny & Sue Storm as brother and sister when these are the actors portraying them?
Easy, just mirror society as it is today. They will be step-sibs.
Everyone keeps talking about how "HOT" it is that Michael B. Jordan is going to be the Human Torch. The flip side of that, is that you're a RACIST if you don't like that choice. Well, I'm African-American and I DON'T like that choice because simply put -- it makes NO sense at ALL! Its infuriating to see these directors take such huge liberties with these characters just for the sake of being either politically correct or "different" enough to rein in the audience. I would have preferred Ben Grimm as a black man, rather than Johnny Storm mostly because of the sibling connection with Sue. To me this just adds an unwarranted dynamic to the two.
The character has always been white and is STILL white in the comics, why make such a change to the movie to distance it even more from its history. I've been a fan of the Fantastic Four since I was a kid and this definitely takes away from the dynamic of the group by now introducing a needless quotient. I for one, will NOT be seeing this movie and that's a shame because I like the adage of going with a younger version of the group, but changing the Torch like this is too much, even for me. Forget it. I hope this movie makes no money at all.