Jay Baruchel is an increasingly in demand man. With his latest movie, This Is The End, doing comfortable box office for Sony, he's got the small matter of the RoboCop remake/reboot due next year as well. But beyond that, he's also working on a sequel to the really rather grand Goon.
Goon, you might recall, is an ice hockey comedy featuring incredibly violent moments and Seann William Scott. Often in combination with one another. If you've not seen it, and your stomach doesn't mind the odd tooth flying, it's worth checking out. And Baruchel, chatting to the Lethbridge Herald, has revaled that work is ongoing with the planned Goon 2.
"We're furiously typing away", he said, with he and co-writer Jesse Chabot once more on scripting duties. "It all goes to plan, we'll be shooting this time next year".
He added that "I'm proud as hell of the first one, but I think we're going to smoke it with number two".
If they're shooting next year, that would point to a 2015 release date. When we know more, we'll let you know...
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