Kevin Feige downplays director rumours for Marvel's upcoming Doctor Strange film, but admits meetings are happening about it.
As if there's any doubt left that Doctor Strange is on the list of upcoming Marvel Studios projects, Kevin Feige - the man in charge - has been chatting about the film again to IGN. Specifically, he's been addressing assorted rumours that have sprung up of late.
One of those rumours surrounded a list of directors that had apparently been drawn up for the film. On the list, went the story, were Mark Andrews, Nikolaj Arcel, Jonathan Levine and Dean Israelite. Feige, however, told IGN that "the article was true that we're meeting a lot of people now. That article was not true about who we're meeting or what level anybody is. But we're actively looking".
Furthermore, he addressed the rumour that had been doing the rounds that Johnny Depp had met up about playing Stephen Strange. Feige said that "when you have a project that's been around as long as Doctor Strange, there is sometimes 'oh, I've met with Stan about this! Or I did that'. So Strange is one of those projects that predates me by a long shot ... even in its cinematic brewing".
So is he looking for a movie star to lead the film? "I would say that we're pretty transparent, right? Doctor Strange would be our... well, depending on when we make it, it could be our 13th, 14th, 15th movie, right? I think if you're looking to track our decision-making and how we've done things, we have a pretty wide track record now where you can sort of see. So, no, a movie star is not required, but that doesn't mean a movie star wouldn't be great. It just depends".
More on Doctor Strange as we hear it...
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