Director Marc Webb addresses the criticism that The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has too many villains in it.
We're just over a month away from the release of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, which sees Andrew Garfield reprising the role of the world's most famous webslinger. Inevitably, there's been quite a lot of chatter about the movie as its unveiling gets closer and closer. And there's been concern raised over just how many villains appear to be populating the movie.
After all, there's Jamie Foxx playing Electro, Paul Giamatti as Rhino, Chris Cooper as Norman Osborn, Dane DeHaan as Harry Osborn (and alter ego), and further hints at Doctor Octopus and Vulture. How do you fit that lot in?
Well, whilst attending SXSW, director Marc Webb has been addressing these concerns. "We're obviously familiar with the complaints people had. We're very careful to make sure the stories intertwine", he told The Hollywood Reporter. "For Peter Parker, it's very important that you create obstacles that are difficult to overcome... I'm going to embrace the spectacle. I'm not going to be beholden to smallness. I want it to be fantastic, to be big, to command and express that feeling when you're a kid and reading the comics".
Webb added that Giamatti's The Rhino would only be appearing in the film for "four minutes". That would tie in with the suggestion that this is very much a film that sets up further chapters of the story, and the already-confirmed spin-off movies.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has a release date of April 18th in the UK.
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