Doug Liman, best known for The Bourne Identity, will direct the Splinter Cell film adaptation.
Doug Liman will direct the Splinter Cell film adaptation starring Tom Hardy as Sam Fisher, a black-ops operative working for the U.S. government. Liman is best known for his 2002 novel-to-film adaptation The Bourne Identity, which is basically Splinter Cell already without all the high-tech gear.
My opinion (as if you asked for it) is that they chose the right man for the job.
Liman's recent efforts include Mr. and Mrs. Smith (2005), Jumper (2008), and Fair Game (2010). He's currently working on this year's Tom Cruise scifi epic Edge of Tomorrow, which hits theaters in June.
Eric Warren Singer, who previously The Internationaland the Academy Award-nominated American Hustle, is writing the script.
Tom Hardy, who's been all the rage in action movies of late, just wrapped up the new Mad Maxmovie, FuryRoad. Could he bring some big-screen complexity to Fisher, the ultra super mega spy of few words?
Nothing is known about the story as of yet, but I reckon it'll have something to do with the early days of Fisher's career. Personally, I'd love to see Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory come to life in some way. Not a direct adaptation, but taking a few notes from the less-cinematic games in the series would be a great way to go.
Ubisoft undoubtedly hopes that a film will bring back the love to the video game series. The most recent installment, Splinter Cell: Blacklist, did not meet expectations in terms of sales despite a return to its espionage roots.
This isn't the only Ubisoft franchise being poked at for a film adaptation. The Assassin's Creed series has been on Hollywood's radar for quite some time. God knows we need more of that series. Maybe Jake Gyllenhaal can star as a Persian assassin?
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