In what might just be the slickest-looking piece of viral marketing we've yet seen for a superhero movie (move over "Gotham Tonight"), X-Men: Days of Future Past has launched a website for Trask Industries, known to comic fans as the manufacturers of the mutant-hunting Sentinel robots! Not only does the site give fans their first real look at the giant killer robots, but it looks remarkably authentic...and it's loaded with easter eggs that may reveal a number of plot points about the film.
Wondering how big the Sentinels will be? It's here. What about the old "mutant inhibitor collars" from the comics? Yeah, the specs for those are on here. Looking for scientific breakdowns about the frequency of specific mutations? Guess what! You're in luck! What about dates and names for various anti-mutant laws passed by various administrations? Yep. All there.
You've gotta hand it to Fox. They make it awfully tough for a site like ours to maintain anything resembling a level of journalistic detachment or professionalism when they hide goodies like this all over the site.
So, this should keep you occupied for awhile. Oh, and just in case you need to see Peter Dinklage rocking a sweet mustache and wearing a lab coat, they've got that covered for you, too.
Seriously, this site does more to broaden the X-universe at Fox than the last couple of Wolverine movies combined. Apparently, Trask Industries has been the corporate stalwart in the world of mutant bigotry for over 50 years. We see their political posters from the 21st century and their historical echoes throughout the "American Century." Borne from Bolivar Trask's work in the 1970s, they have been partnered with the American government since apparently Nixon. Of course it's Nixon.
They even go to the trouble of issuing one of those creepy self-congratulatory corporate memes as we embark into the near future of 2020, where the Sentinel Mark X is about to go into production...
One thing is clear. Fox and Bryan Singer are throwing down the gauntlet at the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the still infant DC Cinematic Universe. And with tantalizing fan services like this, it appears the first modern superhero franchise might also be the next one to elevate it.
No need to take our word for it on all this stuff, though. Get on over to Trask Industries and waste the rest of your day. Unless you're a mutant...in which case, you might not want to give them your IP address.
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