The sequel to Gareth Edwards' Monsters arrives in September. Here's the trailer for Monsters: Dark Continent...
The terrific low budget sci-fi hit Monsters had a couple of significant ramifications. Firstly, it landed director Gareth Edwards the job of directing Godzilla for Warner Bros. Secondly, it did enough business to persuade Vertigo to press ahead with another Monsters film.
Monsters: Dark Continent is that film, a movie that marks the directorial debut of Tom Green, best known for his work directing episodes from the first two series of Misfits. The film arrives in UK cinemas this coming September, and we've got the first trailer for it right here. Take a look and see what you reckon...
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I think I'm too excited for this.
Is this a Vertigo in Vertigo Comics. If so I'll see anything produced by Vertigo Comics. Ive never heard of this property but it looks like a very unique story.