Sylvester Stallone, Cary Elwes, Kelsey Grammer and more line up for new comedy drama Reach Me. Here's the trailer...
In the midst of his current collection of action movies, Sylvester Stallone has snuck in something more dramatic. Reach Me is a comedy drama that sees him alongside Kelsey Grammer, Danny Aiello, Cary Elwes, Terry Crews, Kyra Sedgwick, Tom Berenger, and Thomas Jane.
At the heart of a film is a self-help book that an ensemble of characters have a connection to. Reach Mehas been written and directed by John Herzfeld, who was also responsible for the underrated 2 Days In The Valley. And the trailer for it is right here. When we get word of a UK release date, we'll let you know...
[Related: Sylveser Stallone - From Underdog to Action Hero]
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