Production is set to begin by early next year on Roberto Orci's upcoming Star Trek sequel...
To the best of our knowledge, Paramount hasn't yet officially confirmed that Roberto Orci will be directing the 13th Star Trekmovie. But then Paramount didn't officially confirm that Alan Taylor was directing Terminator: Genesys until cameras were rolling. It's a fair bet to suggest that Orci has the job of helming the new Star Trek film then, taking over from Star Wars-distraced JJ Abrams.
The plan with the next Star Trek film is to have it in cinemas in 2016, to help celebrate 50 years since the creation of Trek. And Zachary Quinto, in a new interview with NBC'sThe Today Show, via Trek Movie, has given a quick update that tallies with those timescales. "I think [the next Star Trek movie] is on the horizon," he said. "Things are rumbling, so I have a feeling that we will be in production sometime in the next six months".
Details on the new film are still in short supply. But as we hear more, we'll pass them on...
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