Bryan Singer weaves his Twitter Account like certain mutants dwell in metals or optic beams. Just when you thought he was out of tricks, he finds a new angle to tease and excite fans for next summer’s forthcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past.
Why take today for instance, where we apparently learn of the “Future” side of the title’s museum relics: leftovers from the set of X-Men: First Class, including Magneto/Shaw’s helmet! And is that Havok's blaster?
But Singer was not done. He confirmed that tomorrow marks the last day of principal photography on the superhero production, as he already has the editing monitors cracked out with Michael Fassbender’s Magneto-mugging face on them. “Loving my monitors today,” Singer tweets.
Yes you are. And we’re loving that in the future, the storied history of the X-Men Cinematic Universe has become something worthy of remembrance and collection. Perhaps Comic-Con is thus the Smithsonian of that era?