The time has come for yet another animated film adaption of Ghost in the Shell in Summer 2015...
TrailerProduction I.G. has announced a new Ghost in the Shell animated film for summer 2015, after last year's Ghost in the Shell: Arise OVA and this week's announcement that Scarlett Johansson would play the main role in Dreamworks' live-action Ghost in the Shell film. Too soon? They think not.
The animated film will reunite the main voice cast from the four-part Arise, and will tell the origin story of Motoko Kusanagi and Public Security Section 9.
Here's the trailer:
In case you don't read Japanese, here's a translation brought to you by Anime News Network:
The legendary science-fiction work that caused a revolution around the world.
Original Work [by] Masamune Shirow
A work in celebration of 25 years
The awakened ghost whispers...
Ghost in the Shell: The New Movie
Opens in early summer 2015
Yes, the film is called Ghost in the Shell: The New Movie. There's nothing we can do about it. If you've never seen a Ghost in the Shell film, I suggest you watch the 1995 animated film. It's awesome.
Last but not least, here's a poster for the upcoming film: