As Joss Whedon leaves Twitter, Guardians Of The Galaxy director James Gunn has a few words to say on the matter...
NewsAs you more than likely have heard by now, Joss Whedon closed his Twitter account, more than likely as a consequence of the abuse and threats he was getting over the social media service. Whedon had been criticized over elements of his latest film, Avengers: Age Of Ultron, and after thanking people for their support, his Twitter account disappeared. Given the nature of some of the Tweets being aimed in his direction, it was not tricky to see why.
Guardians Of The Galaxy director James Gunn is one of the many unhappy at what Whedon had to go through, and he's taken to his own Twitter account to defend him. In a series of Tweets, Gunn said that "most of you are aware of this, but anyone who urges a filmmaker to kill himself over a movie plot point needs to seriously examine his life."
Qualifying things by saying that "I realize that 95% of fandom are beautiful, loving, thoughtful, well-adjusted people," Gunn added that "As fans it's our duty to take what we don't love with what we do & accept not everything will play out onscreen as we imagined."
It would be fair to say that not everyone has been playing by that belief over the past few days, sadly.
James Gunn can be found on Twitter, here. He's posted a further, lengthier piece on his Facebook account too, that's well worth a read.