Fox needs to "sort of mine" the X-Men and Fantastic Four universes too, says its co-COO James Murdoch...
NewsAh, James Murdoch. We wondered where he'd got to.
He's currently the co-COO (love that) of 20th Century Fox, and as part and parcel of his role, he's done a talk for investors at a posh conference. Specifically, the JP Morgan Global Technology, Media and Telecom Conference, which sounds a real barrel of laughs.
Murdoch, then, used his talk to call for Fox movies to be broader than just comic book movies. "We don't want to be a place where people say 'if it's not a comic book movie, or something else, then I wouldn't even take it to them." Murdoch instead argued that Fox had to attract fresh voices if it's looking to "create whole new franchises."
That said, the firm isn't shying away from the X-Men and Fantastic Four universe it's been creating. Far from it "We think that's a really rich part of that universe to sort of mine," he said.
Let's just go with the fact that he might not have phrased that last bit too well.
Fox currently has five X-Men films in various stages of production, and has plans for Fantastic Four 2 as well.
You can read more on Murdoch's talk at Variety.