On the one hand, remaking Big Trouble in Little China seems like a bad idea. On the other hand, The Rock makes most things watchable...
NewsWell, here's one that I'm plenty conflicted about. The idea of remaking John Carpenter's cult classic, Big Trouble in Little China, is absolutely repellent when taken at face value. But when it turns out that Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson will take the place of Kurt Russell as Jack Burton, well...things suddenly start to sound a little less awful.
Now, let's add in Ashley Miller and Zack Stentz, two writers we've rather enjoyed on X-Men: First Class and Thor. Thorin particular balanced cosmic stakes with light humor, which, at least on its surface, would appear right for Big Trouble in Little China. Dwayne Johnson will serve as producer, and this may be something of a personal mission for him, as he's said to love the movie.
Of course he does. I'm suspicious of anyone who doesn't love this movie.
I'm gonna add one other caveat to this. There is no way in any of the seven hells that 20th Century Fox isn't looking at this with sequels in mind. The fact that we never got Big Trouble in Little China 2 (or a crossover with Buckaroo Banzai) is one of life's great injustices. Well, not really, but a sequel would have been nice. I wouldn't mind seeing the crazy mythology of the original expanded into a franchise.
Alright...I guess ol' Mike Cecchini is starting to come around to the idea that The Rock driving the Pork Chop Express might not be such a bad thing. I reserve the right to change my mind, though. But I can kinda already here these words in the Rock's voice:
Just remember what ol' Jack Burton does when the earth quakes, and the poison arrows fall from the sky, and the pillars of Heaven shake. Yeah, Jack Burton just looks that big ol' storm right square in the eye and he says, "Give me your best shot, pal. I can take it."
I draw the line at a remake of They Live, though. That would be too far.
Source: The Wrap