Check out the very NSFW return of Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum as they embark on the best experience of their lives: college.
The new trailer for 22 Jump Street has arrived and it is NSFW…but for college? It looks like a keg party!
Picking up right where the last one left off Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum) have survived high school yet again, only to reach the promised land of college by way of the church at 22 Jump Street (21 Jump Street got taken back by the original Korean owners!). Now these two man-children have to act as a decade-too-old again when they infiltrate an experimental art major scene and find themselves at the center of wayward world college freshman life. Will university be where they finally learn to grow up?
Released by Sony Pictures, classes begin for 22 Jump Streeton June 13, 2014.