Joe Wright's Peter Pan origin story movie, Pan, is set to land Hugh Jackman as its villain...
You think Hugh Jackman, and you think more anti-hero that antagonist, not least given his work bringing the character of Wolverine to the big screen. But one big upcoming project on Jackman's slate might just be changing that: he's homing in on the villain role in Joe Wright's upcoming Peter Pan origin movie, which goes by the name of Pan.
Said villain is not going to be Captain Hook, we should point out. Apparently, the villain of this particular Peter Pan tale is the pirate Blackbeard. It sounds too like Jackman wasn't the first choice for the role. Variety reports that Warner Bros had at the very least measured the interest of Javier Bardem first, but the Oscar-winning Skyfall villain turned the part down.
Pan is earmarked for release on June 26th 2015, and Jackman - if he's confirmed - will be the first tangible piece of casting for the project. An open casting call is underway to find the actor to play the role of Peter Pan. He will have a love interest in the movie too, Tiger Lily.
More on Pan as we hear it...
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