Rumor time: has Marvel met up with Johnny Depp now to discuss Doctor Strange?
Get ready to take a requisite pinch of salt with what we're about to tell you, as we're deep in rumor territory here. But we're reporting it because it does seem as though the Doctor Strange project is edging still closer.
It's little secret that Marvel Studios has been working on the project, and that studio chief Kevin Feige is keen to bring Doctor Strange to the big screen. Latino Review, however, is now reporting that Johnny Depp has met with Marvel, over potentially taking the lead role. Latino Review's track record is a bit bumpy, and it's linked Joseph Gordon-Levitt to the role previously, but we'll keep you posted as we hear more. Johnny Depp is apparently a major fan of the character,
As for a release date, Marvel is believed to be lining Doctor Strange up for a phase three release. The studio has announced release dates of May 6th 2016, July 8th 2016 and May 5th 2017 for future films, and we'd wager that Doctor Strange will take on of those 2016 release slots. Again, more as we hear it.
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