The Daybreakers team reunite for an upcoming sci-fi thriller by the name of Predestination. Here's the trailer...
Ethan Hawke's continued commitment to genre movies, as we discussed in the past here, continues with his latest picture, Predestination. This one's from Michael and Peter Spierig, who last helmed Daybreakers, that also starred Hawke.
Here, he plays a Temporal Agent, who's been sent on a collection of tightly-woven time travel journeys, "designed to ensure the continuation of his law enforcement career for all eternity". The film picks up with his final assignment, and the need to track down the one criminal who has thus far evaded him.
A trailer for the movie has dropped, ahead of its debut in Australian cinemas at the end of August. We've no UK or US date yet, sadly...
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Just wow. Love the Spierigs, they're so devoted to their vision and just about every angle to pursue it from.