The eagerly-awaited documentary exploring why Tim Burton's Superman Lives, starring Nicolas Cage, never happened. Here's a trailer...
Holy moley this looks insane! The Death of Superman Lives: What Happened? aims to tell the story of the most high profile superhero movie that never, ever got made. This is, of course, the Tim Burton directed Nic Cage starring Superman movie, mostly titled Superman Lives. With screenplays turned in by Kevin Smith (two drafts), Wesley Strick, and others, this would have adapted (loosely) the wildly successful Death of Superman story from DC Comics.
It never happened. For any number of reasons. But the fascinating thing is just how close it came to being made. Well, hats off to Jon Schnepp for pulling this together. While tons of Superman Lives imagery has appeared online through the years, in this trailer's brief two and a half minutes there are all sorts of things that have never seen the light of day, including a special effects test with Nic Cage as Superman flying/landing.
Watch this now...and then wait with us to see the finished product.
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I would love to see even an animated version of this movie4. I always thought "This is F32674 up what is with the suit" this 2 and a half minute trailer has sold me it would have been cool.
Like the Brainiac / B'omarr Monk mash-up! Cage looks bloody ridiculous, though - more like expect this iteration to have Buddha statues, incense & George Winston music about the Fortress of Solitude!
This would have in no way resembled Superman, glad it wasn't made. The only benefit that might have came from it being made, is that Superman Returns never would have happened, and Bryan Singer wouldn't have had to leave X-3 and that movie would have been better for it, plus we'd still get Days of Future Past!