Mark Millar reveals the state of play with a Kick-Ass 3 movie...
Having released the final instalment of his Kick-Ass comic book last week, Mark Millar has addressed the chances of there being a third and final movie in a new interview.
Chatting to Comic Book Resources, Millar acknowledged that Kick-Ass 2 didn't do as well as Kick-Ass at the box office. Whilst the decision to make a sequel to the first movie was "a no brainer", with the second, "it cost a little less at around $24m, made $61m and made about $100m again on DVD and TV rights. It was still profitable. It was by no means The Lone Ranger."
So will a Kick-Ass 3 movie happen? "I don't know. it's definitely up in the air, and we'll just have to see. Matthew [Vaughn] is a guy who I trust to make that decision". Vaughn directed the first Kick-Ass movie, and oversaw the second. "I speak to Matthew every day, and we haven't discussed Kick-Ass 3", said Millar. "So who knows?"
You can read the full interview here.
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