Oliver Stone is set to make a film of Edward Snowden's story, and is targeting Joseph Gordon-Levitt to star...
It's been some time since Oliver Stone took on an overtly political project, but he now seems to be circling a big screen telling of the Edward Snowden story. Snowden infamously leaked classified NSA information. In the process, he made few friends amongst the American legislature, the story of the leaks earned The Washington Post and The Guardian a Pullitzer Prize, and Snowden himself is seeking asylum in Europe.
Oliver Stone is wasting little time trying to make a movie of Snowden's story too, and he's planning to get cameras up and running in December. It'll be based on The Snowden Files: The Inside Story Of The World's Most Wanted Man, by Luke Harding, and Time Of The Octopus by Anatoly Kucherena (Snowden's lawyer).
Furthermore, the project is targeting Joseph Gordon-Levitt to take on the role of Snowden. Gordon-Levitt, who will be shooting Sandmanat some point in 2015 (although his level of involvement there hasn't yet been confirmed) is not definite in the role, but he's the top choice.
Further details as we get them...
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