Ewan McGregor, Oscar Isaac, and Matthew McConaughey are now being discussed in connection with Doctor Strange. We evaluate 'em all...
Here's what we know for sure about Marvel's Doctor Strange movie. Scott Derrickson (Sinister, The Exorcism of Emily Rose) is directing. Jon Spaihts (Prometheus) is writing. Joaquin Phoenix is not playing Doctor Strange. Which, of course, means we have to answer the question: who the hell is playing Doctor Strange, anyway?
The old Doctor Strange shortlist is, apparently, dead. Long live the NEW Doctor Strange shortlist, which came to our attention via Variety. In order to make things a little more scientific (and to appeal to our rigorous journalistic standards, of course) we are consulting Doctor Strange's favored artifact, the all-seeing Eye of Agamotto. Since magic is all about intent, we are substituting a good old-fashioned Magic 8-Ball for the Eye of Agamotto.
Whatever. This will totally work, and it's a far more rigorous evaluation than most internet rumors are ever given anyway.
Jared Leto
At one point, Mr. Leto seemed to be the favored Sorcerer Supreme until Joaquin Phoenix came along and stole all the magic. Leto, like Phoenix, doesn't really need this role, let alone the six-movie deal and the screaming migraine that the press (guilty!) will give him for the next decade. On the other hand, Varietynow says that Leto is "aggressively pursuing" the role, so what the hell do I know? Better ask the Eye of Agamotto!
The Eye of Agamotto says? Better not tell you now.
Matthew McConaughey
We have now reached the stage in Matthew MacConaughey's star trajectory where his name is going to be mentioned in connection with every male lead in Hollywood. He's busy. He's even doing ridiculous car commercials. He sure did look (and talk) the part in True Detective though, didn't he? But scheduling aside, only the opinion of our favorite mystical artifact matters!
The Eye of Agamotto says? Very Doubtful
Ethan Hawke
This is a new one. Scott Derrickson has worked with Ethan Hawke before (on Sinister), he looks the part, and he's got just enough space on his upcoming schedule to make shooting Doctor Strange in early 2015 (plus whatever other cameos Marvel deems necessary) entirely plausible. While some well-connected sources (notably Deadline ) have been thrown serious shade on this one, now Variety are taking him seriously.
The Eye of Agamotto says? Reply hazy, try again.
Ewan McGregor
We doff our cloaks to Badass Digest for this bit of rumor. Ewan McGregor would be a wondeful Stephen Strange, and he's done quite well playing bearded mystics in the past. He's got enough room on his upcoming schedule to allow for appearances in a number of Marvel movies. Plus, I rather like the idea of Doctor Strange being a decadent weirdo, and Ewan has Velvet Goldmine and Trainspottingto fall back on for that. Apparently "they are looking at him." Fortunately, so is the Eye of Agamotto!
The Eye of Agamotto says? Cannot predict now.
Oscar Isaac
He's busy making Star Wars: Episode VIIunder a cloak of secrecy, so he's not going to sign a six picture deal to wear a cloak of levitation. But hey, he's done the whole "bearded West Village bohemian" thing already, so why shouldn't he get a shot at Stephen Strange's Sanctum?
The Eye of Agamotto says? Outlook not so good.
Jake Gyllenhaal
He's done enough "serious" roles that his credibility is in no danger, and he was once considered as Toby Maguire's replacement in Spider-Man 2. And no, X-Men fans, his next movie isn't about the Nightcrawleryou're thinking of. Seems legit, right?
The Eye of Agamotto says? Better not tell you now.
Tom Hardy
The impossibly good-looking, sometimes improbably muscular, and one-time inaudibly masked in a Batman movie actor would be a great Doctor Strange. Why? Because he's a chameleon. How much of a chameleon is he? We'll see him as Max Rockatansky in Mad Max: Fury Roadnext year, he's playing both Kray Twins (cue an awesome Morrissey song), and he's about to play Elton John (in the aptly titled Rocketman) and Al Capone (in Cicero), as well as take the lead in a Splinter Cell movie. And that's not even all of it...
Have we mentioned that Marvel wants to start production pronto for a July 2016 release? Good luck!
The Eye of Agamotto says? My sources say no.
Benedict Cumberbatch
Mr. Cumberbatch is, of course, the internet's first choice to play every character in every superhero movie, and we won't sleep until he puts on a cape or some green make-up or something similarly ridiculous, because it's not enough that he's been Sherlock Holmes and Khan Noonien Singh (we forgive him for that one). After all, he hasn't had superpowers yet.
Anyway, he already denied involvement, but refused to confirm or deny whether there had been any talks. Then again, he loves fucking with the press, so you could ask him if he's playing Carol Danvers in Avengers: Age of Ultron, and he'd probably give you a convincingly cryptic answer. Still, his dance card looks pretty full for a guy who's expected to sign a six-picture deal for a movie that starts production in two months. Let's see what the 8-ball Eye of Agamotto has to say...
The Eye of Agamotto says? Concentrate and ask again.
Jack Huston
Mr. Huston is a fine actor, but nobody ever took this rumor particularly seriously, did they? He probably won't have time do play Doctor Strange since he's doing Ben-Hur, which is kind of like making six movies, anyway.
The Eye of Agamotto says? My reply is no.
And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen! Proof positive that any one of these fellas may or may not actually be talking to someone who could possibly know anything at all about the Master of the Mystic Arts in Marvel's Doctor Strangemovie. If anyone needs me, I'll be growing a sweet mustache in case Marvel wants to give my agent a ringy-ding-ding.
Feel free to use this article as a primary source, because the Eye of Agamotto knows all!
Next time, we'll speak with our own Hollywood insider, Jambi, to find out who will be playing the Dread Dormammu!
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