Daniel H Wilson has revealed that Steven Spielberg's take on Robopocalypse remains an active project...
Steven Spielberg is currently turning his hand to a pair of new movies. Firstly, there's the Cold War thriller that he's making with Tom Hanks, based on a screenplay by the Coen Brothers. He's in the midst of putting that together right now. Then, he moves on to a family movie for the first time in what feels like an age, as he tackles Roald Dahl's The BFG.
One film that, if all had gone to plan, he'd have released by now is an adaptation of Daniel H Wilson's Robopocalypse. The book is structurally not dissimilar to Max Brooks'World War Z, and Spielberg was progressing on the project, before it went into turnaround. The given reason was that it was going to be too expensive to make, and both the script and budget needed to be addressed.
Spielberg had intended to make Robopocalypseonce he was done with War Horse, but he opted to do Lincolninstead at that point.
Given that little has been heard of the project since it was indefinitely delayed back in 2013, many had assumed it missing, presumed dead.
However, we chatted to the book's author, Daniel H Wilson, and he assured us that wasn't the case - at least as far as he was aware.
"It’s basically in the queue as far as I know," he told us. "You know, Spielberg has other movies that he’s directing right now. But Robopocalypsehas certainly been worked on. I’m sure that Dreamworks is still very excited about it. That’s what all indications are."
"It’s just about being patient, you know? I think one of the films on Spielberg’s slate is The BFG, and that’s been floating around for about ten years!", Wilson added. "I don’t really know what a timeline is, but that’s certainly normal. So I’m just being patient and working on all my projects. It would be some wonderful bonus points if that ever comes together".
You can read our full interview with Daniel H Wilson here.
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