Emaji Entertainment will remake Joe Dante’s The Howling
NewsThe eighties werewolf movie classic The Howlingis getting a remake. The Howling came out the same year as John Landis’ American Werewolf in London, in 1981, and promised a Werewolf Renaissance.
The rebirth entered its dark ages after the vampire wolfman wars of Underworld and Twilight, but a remake of The Howling may be just what’s needed to dodge a silver bullet.
Emaji Entertainment plans to resurrect Joe Dante’s The Howling.
The Howlingwas based on the novels of Gary Brander. It was made for $1.5 million and went on to sell $18 million in popcorn. The special effects in the transformation sequence in the original movie was done by 21-year-old Rob Bottin. The franchise continued through Howling II in 1985, Howling III in 1987, Howling IVin 1988, Howling V in 1989, Howling VIin 1991, Howling: New Moon Rising in 1995, and The Howling: Reborn in 2011