One of the many X-Men spinoff movies on the way is Gambit, and star Channing Tatum has now read the script...
NewsSuddenly, Fox's X-Men movie world is looking as crowded as Marvel's. We're just about a year away from X-Men: Apocalypse. But before that we'll get Deadpoolin February of 2016. After those, though, we'll finally get to meet Channing Tatum as Gambit in his own solo movie, currently scheduled for release on October 7th, 2016.
The film is still chasing down directors, but it has a script from Gambit co-creator (and prolific X-Men comic book writer) Chris Claremont and RoboCop(2014) writer, Josh Zetumer. The first draft is in, and Gambit movie star Channing Tatum spoke to Empirea little bit about it.
Tatum promised that "we're going to be changing some of the tropes of these movies. It's always about saving the world (Laughs), but maybe we're going to shift things a little bit. There's so many ways you can take [an origin story]. You could do it like Batman Begins, or a different take and go the Guardians of the Galaxy route."
In the past, Tatum (who appears very involved in how this movie might progress) has spoken about his desire to keep things away from the "saving the world" narrative in Gambit. That's kind of a relief, since Gambit is a thief, first and foremost. Now that he's seen that first draft, it sounds like he's getting his wish. I rather like the idea of a movie that focuses on thieves guilds and martial arts action that just happens to feature mutants, rather than a traditional big action narrative.
More on Gambitas we get it.
Source: ComicBook.com