Marvel and Sony now have frontrunners for the Spider-Man reboot director's chair.
You know it's a slow news day when Deadline(and as a consequence, Den of Geek) runs an almost identical Spider-Man director story as one they ran almost a month ago. Yet, here we are.
Anyway, the hunt for the director of the new Spider-Man solo movie continues, and now Jonathan Levine and Ted Melfi are the frontrunners for the job. Don't count out John Francis Daley and Jonathan M. Goldstein, either. You can also add Jon Watts (Cop Car) to the mix.
Nowhere in Deadline's new story do the names "Jared Hess" or "Drew Goddard" appear. At least in the case of Drew Goddard, who at one point was considered a sure thing, that's lousy news.
Perhaps we'll get that director announcement the same day as the casting of the new Peter Parker. Hopefully it's this week. There's only so many ways outlets can write the same story.
Our original story from May 5th follows...
The Marvel Spider-Man movie is getting closer to choosing a director, and it sounds like an announcement is coming soon.
Marvel is looking at Jonathan Levine (Warm Bodies), Ted Melfi (St. Vincent), Jason Moore (Pitch Perfect), John Francis Daley and Jonathan M. Goldstein (the Vacationreboot), Jared Hess (Napoleon Dynamite). That's quite a list, and it's rather telling that they all have comedy chops.
What does this mean for the news that Drew Goddard was in the mix for director reported back in March? Deadline adds that their shortlist isn't "all inclusive," so perhaps there's still hope on that front.
Meanwhile, casting on Marvel's Spider-Man movie is apparently down to two names: Asa Butterfield and Tom Holland. Expect a casting announcement shortly, possibly in tandem with word on who won the director's job.
Marvel's Spider-Man movie is coming on July 28th, 2017. Spidey might make an appearance in 2016's Captain America: Civil War before then.