Dwayne Johnson has been reading the online reaction to the Big Trouble In Little China remake news, and notes it's been "polarized."
NewsAmong last week's collection of remake stories, comfortably the least popular was the news that Big Trouble In Little China is getting a fresh take. As we reported, Dwayne Johnson is set to take on Kurt Russell's role in the original, and is also on board as one of the producers. And The Rock himself spoke with Entertainment Weekly about the project.
"I loved reading the reactions from the fans, that they were so polarized - I'm the same way," he said. "My response is that I come to the project with nothing but love and respect for the original, which is why we want to bring on John Caprenter."
In what capacity Johnson wants Carpenter aboard isn't clear. He didn't write the original, and Ashley Miller and Zack Stentz are on scribing duties for the new one. And we suspect that Carpenter won't be directing the new Big Trouble In Little China either.
After affirming his love for the original movie, Johnson did add that "it felt like if we surrounded ourselves with the right group of people, the right writers who loved the movie too and wanted to honor it, bring on John Carpenter in some capacity - if we did that, then we have a shot at hopefully making something good."
Johnson also confirmed that if the script didn't work and "the whole thing starts to stink," that they've move on and not make the film. We'd be surprised if that's what happened, though...