Tom Wood's Victor the Assassin is set to transfer to film, courtesy of Taken director Pierre Morel...
Tom Wood's series of books based around the character of Victor the Assassin have a lot going for them. Packed with action, solid plots, and with a cold freelance assassin as a central character, Wood keeps things moving quickly, and his novels are enjoyable reads.
And now they're coming to the movies.
Pierre Morel, who helmed the original Takenmovie, is to direct a big screen take on the first Victor the Asssassin book, The Killer(or The Hunter, depending on where you live). This one kicks off in Paris, sees a seemingly standard job for wrong, and Victor finds himself in the crosshairs of some rather unpleasant people.
There's no word yet on who will take on the title role yet. But if the first film does well, there are four books in the series to date ready to be adapted.
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