What would it take to get Matthew McConaughey in a DC or Marvel superhero movie?
NewsIf you've been wondering when Matthew McConaughey will join the Marvel Universe, or maybe pop up in a DC superhero movie, well...we don't have an answer for you on that front. But what we do have is a few encouraging words from the True Detectivestar about those prospects for the future.
"I’ve read some Marvel and DC scripts and I’ve talked about working with them on some scripts, none of which I’ll share with with you what they are — or were. Yeah, I’ve circled some of those. Nothing has been right for me yet." All is not lost, though. "But I’m sure open to it."
So, it doesn't sound like he's looking at anything at the moment, but that could change. As for what it would take for him to actually do one, after admitting that yes, the right amount of money would be a factor, Mr. McConaughey admitted that the idea of playing the same character over several movies opens up a few questions.
"Would I be excited to go back and put the shoes on the character again? Going and doing the press tour with that group of people again? I always ask myself those questions again. It starts with the story and character."
For one thing, we heard his name kicked around in relation to the title role in Marvel's Doctor Strange movie a few times. Assuming those rumors were true, either the money wasn't good enough or he didn't find the prospect of Stephen Strange appealing enough to sign on for Marvel's traditional six movie deal. He sure looked enough like the Sorcerer Supreme during the "present day" parts of True Detective season one. He had a bit of a Bruce Wayne look during his brief role in The Wolf of Wall Street. Could he have been approached for the role of the Joker in the Suicide Squad movie that ultimately went to his Dallas Buyers Club co-star, Jared Leto?
The full interview with Matthew McConaughey is over at Variety.