Angelina Jolie may well be back as Maleficent, as Disney gets to work on Maleficent 2...
NewsOne of the most successful transitions of animated film to live action movie that Disney has enjoyed thus far was last year's Maleficent. The movie, which told the backstory of Sleeping Beauty's villain, grossed over $750 million at the worldwide box office, and proved to be one of 2014's biggest hits.
Around the time of the movie's release, there was chatter of a potential sequel. And now it seems as though Maleficent 2 is happening.
Deadline is reporting that the studio has hired Linda Woolverton, who penned the first movie, to put together a script for a Maleficent sequel. Angelina Jolie hasn't been confirmed to return, but it's hard to imagine a follow-up working without her. Robert Stromberg, who helmed the original, is not confirmed to return either.
But it's Jolie who's likely to be pivotal here. She's toyed in the past with sequels to both Wanted and Salt, and ended up committing to neither. Disney will be keen to get her locked down for Maleficent 2 if it can.
More on the film as we hear it.